2024-12-12 22:22:01 | 炎炎英文培训网
When your neighbor is in Need of Help
A lady was walking in the midnight on the quiet street which is none of any body. Suddenly, she saw a man who took a knife in his hand. It was so horrible! She ran and shout towards home. She thought she was so lucky that many neighors were awak and found that she was in need of help. However, all the neighbors closed their light and windows without any hesitation. She was killed by the knifed man near her house door.
This is obviously a sad story. Her neighbor's heart is freezing cold. It's surely that she would be died if there some people give an helping hand to the lady. Society needs to help each other, so the world would be more warm.追问
The Tortoise And The HareThe classic tale of the tortoise and the hare reminds us that different people take life at different speeds and that one way is not necessarily superior to another. In fact, in the story it is the slower animal that ends up arriving at the destination first. In the same way, some of us seem to move very quickly through the issues and obstacles we all face in our lives. Others need long periods of time to process their feelings and move into new states of awareness. For those of us who perceive ourselves as moving quickly, it can be painful and exasperating to deal with someone else's slower pace. Yet, just like the tortoise and the hare, we all arrive at the same destination, together, eventually.People who take their time with things are probably in the minority in most of the world today. We live in a time when speed and productivity are valued above almost anything else. Therefore, people who flow at a slower pace are out of sync with the world and are often pestered and prodded to go faster and do more. This can be not only frustrating but also counterproductive because the stress of being pushed to move faster than one is able to move actually slows progress. On the other hand, if a person's style is honored and supported, they will find their way in their own time and, just like the tortoise, they might just beat the speedier, more easily distracted person to the finish line.It's important to remember that we are not actually in a race to get somewhere ahead of someone else, and it is difficult to judge by appearances whether one person has made more progress than another. Whether you count yourself among the fast movers or as one of the slower folks, we can all benefit from respecting the pace that those around us choose for themselves. This way, we can keep our eyes on our own journey, knowing that we will all end up together in the end.
自己改动一下就行了·小学英语作文 ·@初中英语作文 ~@高中英语作文 ·大学英语作文 ·考研英语作文 ·中考英语作文 ·高考英语作文 ·英56语四级作文 ·英语写作资料 ·GRE作文 ·留学文书写作 ·雅思考试作文 ·英语六级作文 scxzcs这里有近千篇英语作文,希望能帮到你,好就要给分喔,未来几年写作文都不用怕了
其实有技巧的话很容易写,大概步骤可以概述为:1.用中文描述图片 ---- 审题体裁、人称、时态、中心2.用中文列出要点 ---- 可以先用中文写要点,时间富裕的话可以先用中文写整篇文章3.用英语转述句子 ---- 句子骨干4.用英语组织篇章 ---- 合适的连接词,另外呢,合适的技巧性句子会有加分作用的哦5.最重要的是字体要好,不能写的乱,要不然老师第一印象不好,不会给高分的
Nowadays, a good mand of English and puter techniques is a must for us students. I think it quite important to learn English and puter well.English is my favourite subject. As a result, I spend much spare time learning English. For instance, I always watch interesting English TV programmes on ICS. I also enjoy watching popular American TV series such as “Ugly Betty” and “Gossip Girl”. Expose yourself to English more, and you're sure to learn English better.With the development of technology and society, we keep close contact with puter. As a mon tool, puters help us a lot in life; therefore puter lessons appear to be important. We learn several useful techniques in class, which are often used in practice.All in all, puter and English are both worth our efforts. They are really useful. In my opinion, interests are the key to learning the subjects well. As a result, students must build or find interests in the subject. You are sure to learn well.
Young english instructor CC Sir discovers XXX abruptly bending over table to go ahead being lowering self head , walks thereupon right away over in some's classrooms being giving lessons. Careful ask XXX that the schoolmate body whether be or not is unfortable.It truns out that XXX having been spoiled an abdomen , is suffers from diarrhoea.CC Sir who cares for , treasures a schoolmate lets the English class representative arrange a schoolmate to study by self immediately. And then have arrived at the school infirmary in person with XXX schoolmate.From the infirmary the queen has e out , has sent XXX schoolmate back to a family be riding a bicycle in person.文采不怎么好,看在我这么辛苦的份上,给分不?
总体把握小学生写作文 一、提高认识事物和表达事物的能力。
三、树立大作文观,听、说、读、写有机结合 一要注重审题;二要明确写作目的,立意要新;三是选材要有根据;四要讲究谋篇技巧,安排好篇章结构;五要注意文章分段,事先列小标题,作文提纲;六要注重文章写法,因文用法;七要妙用语言,用思想调遣语言。
四、作文大目标的逐年级分解: 一年级字词,二年级句子,三年级片断,四年级篇章,五年级综合,六年级提高。
五、实施五项训练 根据认识是作文的核心这一原则,围绕这个发展学生心理机制的核心,扎扎实实地进行了五项训练: (一)、字词训练。
从而学会 *** 事、抒真情,陶冶真、善、美的情操,培养良好的文风。
写出诚实的自己的话 “写诚实的自己的话”是老教育家叶圣陶先生说的。
On online chattingWith the development of IT, online chatting is being increasingly popular with many people. However, people's opinions about it vary from person to person. Some think that it has more problems than benefits. First, it is a waste of time, energy and money as it doesn't produce any useful information and products. Second, it is misleading to its users because cyberspace is actually an imaginary space where things are unreal or fictional. But the advocates of online chatting support it because it is another way of recreation which is both exciting and relaxing. Besides, it helps them release their emotions and worries freely and safely. To them, it is very useful and wonderful. As far as I am concerned, whether online chatting is good or bad depends on the person who does it. So long as we can keep ourselves under good control, we can use it scientifically and properly without its bad effects 或 Attitudes on puters and middle school studentsIn modern times,vidie games are very popular amoung students.Many of them are interested in them a lot.Some regard them as a kind of *** all games ,when they have time they play them .But some of them are addicted to play vidie games. They spend all day in play them,so that they not only do bad in study butalso lead to a bad body.I think we had better be away from the vidie games to have a health body and a satisfied study. video game is beciming more and more popular.some students are intrested in it,even bee addicted with it,spenging more time on it paring with the time spending on study.I don't think student shoud say good bye to it,some time when you are tired with study, you can have a rest by playing it sometime .but if you are a person who is lacking of master youself,you'd better not touch it. fran is an the reordering of religion and the sundering of the social unity that it had once provided to European culture was the most significant development of the sixteenth century. It is impossible to understand the time without taking a look at this. Religion was not a matter of personal preference or opinion, it was the very basis of society. The Pre-Reform The rediscovery of the learning of the ancient world, the printing press, and all the other forces that came together to create the Renaissance also affected the Church. At the end of the fifteenth century and the beginning of the sixteenth, Christian humanists sought to apply the new style of scholarship to the study of scriptures in their original languages and to return to the first principles of their religion. In the interests of spreading religious understanding, they began to translate the Bible into the vernacular languages.
One day, the weather was really good. Birds were singing in the trees. A boy finished his homework, so he went outside to play football. His name is Peter, and he is a great football player. Suddenly, he used too much force and kicked the ball to the tree. However, the ball was stuck on there. He did not know what to do. Just that time, an old man holding an umbrella passed by. The boy asked him for help. After the consideration, the old man threw his umbrella to the ball, and the ball fell down. But the umbrella was stuck there. The little boy saw the umbrella and did not know what to do. So he turned around and ran away. The old man shook his head desperately....
最难忘的一天 每个人都有最难忘的一天,我也有,我最难忘的一天是春节。
每当大年三十,当我还在睡梦中时,就被噼噼啪啪的鞭炮声吵醒了,我便开始穿衣服,于是新的一天——春节就要开始啦! 洗漱好之后,从厨房就传来阵阵香味,一看,爸爸妈妈正在厨房里不停的忙碌着,阵阵香味在整个房间飘荡,嗯~香! 吃完饭之后,我们决定去大街上看看。
到了晚上十二点,最激动人心的时刻就要到了,因为除夕夜的钟声即将敲响!!心里十分激动!!“十,九,……五,四……二,一!!!”除夕夜的钟声敲响啦!!!新的一年来到啦!!!新年快乐!!!! Themostmemorableday Everyonehasthemostmemorableday,Ihave,IamthemostmemorabledayofChineseNewYear.WheneverNewYear'sEve,whenIwasstillasleep,theyweresnappedcracklingsoundoffirecrackersha *** eenawakened,Istartedtowearclothes,soanewday-theSpringFestivaltostartit! Afterwash,cameflyingfromthekitchento *** ell,look,MomandDadarebusyinthekitchennon-stop,and *** ellaromawaftacrosstheroom,ah~Shannon! Afterdinner,wedecidedtotakealookatthestreet.NewYear,eventhestreetsarenew,peoplearedressedinnewclothes,preparingtogreetthearrivalofthenewyear.Everywherewasfullofflavor. Evening,NewYearising.Itiswithemotion,asymbolofeating"everyyearmorethan"fish.Ofcourse,toeatother.Afterdinnerinhaste,theybegantolookforwardtosittingbesidetheTV,"SpringFestival"start.20:00,theeveningbegan,theeveningwaswonderful,colorful,varioustypesofprogramsareverycolorful.By0:00,themostexcitingtimeising,becauseNewYear'sEveisabouttoringthebell!!Wasveryexcited!!"Ten,nine,......five,four......Second,First!!!"ThebellrangonNewYear'sEveit!!!Thenewyearetoyou!!!Hapyynewyear!!!
翻译是我手翻的,看在我打这么多的份上,总要犒劳一下吧~~~ (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……给你个不错的网址~//engessay/哎 其实要自己动手才是最好的My favourite season My favourite season is summer. I often wear my shorts and T-shirt. Sometimes I wear my jeans. In summer it is often sunny and hot. Sometimes rainy in summer. I usually swim with my father. Sometimes I eat ice-cream at home. 我最喜欢的季节 我最喜欢的季节是夏天。
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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to learn Chinese. Please recommend a place to him. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
Dear Jack,
I am so glad to hear that you will pay a visit to China next month. Since you told me you are interested in learning Chinese, I am writing this letter to recommend you some famous and interesting attractions for better understanding Chinese characters.
As you know, the Forbidden City, which is also known as the Palace Museum, embodies this nations profound and diversified ancient culture with its magnificent architecture and precious treasures. Besides, it provides you with a variety of tourist introduction including its origin, cultural background as well as its translation in multiple languages, which will open a window for you to have a better understanding about the splendid Chinese characters.
I hope my recommendation will not make you disappointed. I can’t wait to be your guard. With best wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Xiao Ming
亲爱的杰克, 炎炎英文培训网
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