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四级英语作文观点分析范文 急求四级英语作文一篇!150词左右

2024-10-07 09:10:13 | 炎炎英文培训网

今天炎炎英文培训网小编为大家带来了四级英语作文观点分析范文 急求四级英语作文一篇!150词左右,希望能帮助到大家,一起来看看吧!


四级英语作文观点分析范文 急求四级英语作文一篇!150词左右

四级英语作文 看图写作 描述图像,并且写出自己的观点和建议。


三年级  |  写景  |  345字

早上醒来,外面是天昏地暗,灰蒙蒙的。一看表,是六点零两分,我有点纳闷。都六点多了,外面怎么还那么黑。对了,昨天天气预报说今天有雾霾。我从小到大还没见过雾霾呢,真想见识见识!我和妈妈吃过早饭,整理好东西后,出发了。我和妈妈都小心翼翼的靠着路边走,大约近两米处的地方都看不清事物。这如烟笼罩的世界使车辆难行,使人举步维艰,不辨南北。 据妈妈所说这是因为汽车尾气排放,工业制造污染等对大自然的破坏。我似懂非懂的点了点头,妈妈又告诉我雾霾天影响交通,容易出事故,它是一种灾害天气,对农作物的生长有害,同时也对人类的身体健康构成了威胁。 我们通过这烟雾缭绕的世界,终于到达了目的地—学校。下课后我们都认为雾霾天气很好玩儿,可谁又知道他的坏处?动手保护大自然,尽量少出现雾腾腾的雾霾天气,让我们一起行动吧!





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**It Pays to Be Honest**
Honesty is a virtue that is often compromised in today's world. Students are prone to cheating in exams, while some parents encourage their children to deceive bus assistants by pretending to be shorter to avoid fees. Such instances of dishonesty are prevalent, leading to a life of constant duplicity for the majority.
However, this pursuit of short-term gains through dishonesty only leads to long-term misfortune. Living with integrity means being open and honest. It entails expressing your thoughts because you believe there's no need to hide your beliefs. Being dishonest, whether as a defense mechanism or to gain promotions or wealth, creates an 'inner darkness' that haunts individuals throughout their lives.
While dishonesty might bring temporary success, it ultimately prevents one from facing themselves. If you cannot look at yourself in the mirror with a clear conscience, how can you truly be yourself?
In conclusion, staying honest, no matter the cost, ensures that you receive what you deserve in the end. The integrity of your mind promises an intact soul and true fulfillment. It is evident that honesty is not only the right thing to do but also the most beneficial choice one can make.

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The impact of the Internet on learning
Explain why education doesn’t simply mean learning to obtain information
In the age of knowledge explosion, the Internet opens a magical portal for leaners to get access to seemingly incessant information. But is information equal to knowledge? “Once I learn how to use google, isn't that all the education I really need?” This question fully embodies the prejudiced opinion that as long as people acquire abundant information, they will get proper education.
The reason why education doesn’t simply mean learning to obtain information is that education is not limited to the hard facts or theories students can learn from their textbooks or the Internet. It relates to a wider scope ranging from the obtainment of practical skills to the development of characters, which are hard for students to learn simply by googling. Consequently, comprehensive learning in schools that includes learning knowledge, conducting experiments and communicating with peers is what true education is.
In a word, the Internet does provide valuable information for learners, but people should be fully conscious of the essence of education and learn to tell the right from the w
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