2023-10-06 18:06:04 | 炎炎英文培训网
Why do you choose to take the postgraduate entrance exam.
One of the most important problems junior students face is to decide what to do after graduation. It was indeed an annoying problem when it came to me. After hinking twice for a long time, I made my decision to go for further education. Thereare two main reasons why I chose to undertake postgraduate study in my field at GDUT.
On one hand, it is common concept that getting a higher degree is the only and also the best way for rural children out of poverty and live a life different from our parents. There is a concept in Chinese people's mind that the higher education you get,he better life you will have in the future. As far as I am concerned, if I obtain a master's degree, I will be more competitive when applying a relative better job and get a better starting for my future career.
On the other hand, I chose GDUT as the institution where I undertake mypostgraduate study is that it is a leading academic institution and comprehensive esearch and development center in natural science, technological science andhigh-tech innovation in China. It is such an excellent place to do research work that my researching and working ability will be both improved to the most degree. Ibelieve that I will get a better scientific achievement at GDUT than those who just achieved in a general school without doubt.
In a word, it is out of question that I will learn a lot and widen my knowledg mechanical engineering of robot. As we know, robot will play an important part in future's life, and Guangzhou is one of the modernist and the most developed cities in the world,studying in GDUT is definitely the best choice in my lief.
读高中的时候,就听很多人说,懂英语出来找工作吃香。都说英语人才稀缺,工资高,都说十几万一年。读书的时候,这个科目也确实学得不错,每次都是名列前茅。那简直就是不假思索就可以直接填报英语专业了,目前直接瞄准省内最出名的 外语大学 。
那时候家乡经济刚刚起飞,外贸行业蓬勃发展,到处都是工厂和门市。满大街的也能见到很多外国人在买产品。所以,几乎都恨不得自己马上有那个水平,可以跟他们多交谈两句拿个订单回来。那时候只要谁说家里有个女儿是懂英语的,那简直马上就跟高收入联想到一起了。 年薪 十几万,反正你就算没有挣到,别人也当做你已经挣到了。
自己本来也真的有天赋,一直就是班上的英语课代表。英语成绩从来不差,觉得也不难。选专业当然就驾轻就熟了。也想学多一点,能够看懂那些美剧和听懂外文广播。反正就非常向上的一种观念,满怀信心地去考取英语专业。当成为大学里面的一员,更加觉得自己的努力没有白费。 炎炎英文培训网
以上就是炎炎英文培训网整理的为什么选择考研英语专业 你为什么选择了英语专业?相关内容,想要了解更多信息,敬请查阅炎炎英文培训网。2024-01-31 14:21:41
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