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为什么考研会成功呢英语 考研的好处 英语作文

2023-10-05 18:25:59 | 炎炎英文培训网

大家平时对考研英语都十分关注,今天为大家整理了为什么考研会成功呢英语 考研的好处 英语作文,下面就随炎炎英文培训网小编一起来看一下吧。

为什么考研会成功呢英语 考研的好处 英语作文


1、 将词汇进行到底 词汇是基石。词汇量积累的多少非常影响考生在做题时的信心、心态、做题速度以及准确率。在我们做整张英语试卷的前70分的书面英语的理解时,尤其如此。
2、 完型要多积累多练 完型填空的命题思路是“测试考生结合上下文的综合理解能力和语言运用能力,即在阅读理解基础上对篇章结构、语法和词汇知识的运用能力”。
3、 阅读理解争取高分40分的大比重使阅读能力的测试成为重心所在,是决定考研英语成败的杠杆。这部分依然要非常重视真题,以虽然考过的这些文章不会再考,但这些体裁一直在反复出现,每年的新文章也不过还是历年词汇的重新排列组合而已。更重要的是,要抓住命题者的思路,只有认真研究真题。 最后阶段的阅读注意以下几个方面:
1. 注意在阅读时积累词汇,特别是常见词的不常见意思;
2.抓住句子结构,通过语法知识来进行拆分理解。在阅读理解中,每篇文章都有长达三四行的句子,要理解全句的含义就不要囫囵吞枣,朦胧处之,而是找出主、谓、宾结构,然后把从句和插入语也 找出来,这样句子的意思就不难理解了;
因此,即便是在最后的阶段,建议同学们也不要大量做题,而是应该保证做题的效率和成效。模拟题可以做,但是量不要太大,否则就会陷入题海之中不能自拔。一般程度的同学一周做一套模拟题足矣,而且应该注意自己的英文实力应该和做题数量呈正比;自觉水平高的同学,做题的量可以大一些;而如果到目前为止感觉基本大纲词汇和真题还没有完全吃透的同学,模拟题可以少做甚至不做。 需要提醒的是,做题要进行错误分析。在做题的时候,很多考生会对题目只停留在一个简单的对答案的程度上,这是远远不够的。既然我们花了时间和精力来做模拟题,就应该在投入点时间把它们彻底的研究透彻。建议同学们至少要进行一下错误分析,即把所有做错的题目挑选出来,进行分类整理研究,找出自己错误的原因,并进行改正。这样才能真正做到有的放矢,有针对性地进行冲刺。推荐用书:胡敏《阅读理解200篇》、王建华《阅读基础90篇》。
4、 抓住真题提高翻译准确性 翻译题是在一篇400字左右的概念或结构较复杂的短文中给出5个划线的句子,要求考生完整、通顺地将划线部分的句子译为汉语。此题主要是考查考生的词汇量,语法知识,阅读理解能力和汉语表达的综合运用技巧。
5、 写作方面一直以来都有口诀:审题要认真,论述莫跑题,拼写需仔细,检查要锐利。 还有,考试前高分作文的模板(重点体裁文章)应该背会并且默写出。
1. 语言的流畅连贯性 考研英语的写作大都是围绕论述性主题展开,特别强调however, but, therefore, consequently等连词的运用。
2. 表达要多样化 句型使用的多样化不仅可以增加亮点,也可展现考生们语言运用的实力。为避免文章平淡,要注重句式变换,如采用强调句、倒装句等。

为什么考研会成功呢英语 考研的好处 英语作文

考研的好处 英语作文

写作思路 :可以结合社会的实际情况,直接给出考研的好处, 比如考研可以丰富知识,提高能力;增强竞争力等等。


There are many advantages of postgraduate entrance examination, as follows:


Enrich knowledge, improve ability: undergraduate learning is relatively more extensive, each knowledge will involve some, there are many students feel that they have learned everything but nothing. Graduate students will have a more systematic and in-depth study of a specific field, which will undoubtedly enrich their knowledge reserves, make them understand the field better and form their own knowledge system.


Enhance competitiveness: academic qualifications still play a very important role in this society, especially the increasing number of college students and graduate students. Some units will have academic qualifications when recruiting. Even if they say that their ability is strong, how can they get into the door without the stepping stone? Although it is said that even if you go in, you will not stay, but you also have more chances to enter.


Low cost choice intention city life: everyone has their own city, but many people can not go to their ideal city for various reasons, especially the current life pressure is great, dare not freely choose the ideal city.


But the postgraduate entrance examination is actually a shortcut to experience life elsewhere. The living cost of postgraduate education is low. You can choose to study in the city and live there for two or three years. Even if you won't stay in the future, you will experience it and have no regrets.


为什么考研会成功呢英语 考研的好处 英语作文


Why do you choose to take the postgraduate entrance exam.

One of the most important problems junior students face is to decide what to do after graduation. It was indeed an annoying problem when it came to me. After hinking twice for a long time, I made my decision to go for further education. Thereare two main reasons why I chose to undertake postgraduate study in my field at GDUT.

On one hand, it is common concept that getting a higher degree is the only and also the best way for rural children out of poverty and live a life different from our parents. There is a concept in Chinese people's mind that the higher education you get,he better life you will have in the future. As far as I am concerned, if I obtain a master's degree, I will be more competitive when applying a relative better job and get a better starting for my future career.

On the other hand, I chose GDUT as the institution where I undertake mypostgraduate study is that it is a leading academic institution and comprehensive esearch and development center in natural science, technological science andhigh-tech innovation in China. It is such an excellent place to do research work that my researching and working ability will be both improved to the most degree. Ibelieve that I will get a better scientific achievement at GDUT than those who just achieved in a general school without doubt.

In a word, it is out of question that I will learn a lot and widen my knowledg mechanical engineering of robot. As we know, robot will play an important part in future's life, and Guangzhou is one of the modernist and the most developed cities in the world,studying in GDUT is definitely the best choice in my lief.

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